
Hi, I’m a creator

Life is anything but boring…

Published 27 days ago • 3 min read

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Hi Reader,

I hope you are feeling healthy and happy today!

I wasn’t sure what to write about, so I’m sharing what I’ve been up to lately.

Last month, I shot my portion of an upcoming movie, Zero Limits, which will be released on Amazon and Apple TV in January 2025.

I was also interviewed on a few podcasts and did a Los Angeles talk show with my new friend Shari, the delightful host, which will air on cable and Apple TV in the next couple of weeks.

I’ve been in two Tesla Cyber trucks.

The first time was during a swim meet my son was participating in. Tesla promoted their vehicles at the event, and I got to sit in their truck and play with the features.

Then I took their performance model for a ride and it was thrilling!

There is a lot of misinformation about Elon Musk floating around the internet. He’s not perfect, but I appreciate what he’s trying to accomplish, especially when the auto industry's superpowers are working hard to shut him down.

Those who have possessed tremendous power for decades do not like when disrupters come onto the scene. Yet, because of the technology boom we are living in, tech giants have become the new kings.

I think Elon might have gone under if he hadn’t had SpaceX, which, according to my friend who works on jet propulsion engines at NASA, said, “Elon saved us.”

Whatever your opinion, from what I’ve experienced firsthand, his self-driving cars are about to transform our world in the same way the iPhone did.

The second time was after attending my Speakeasy Mastermind group in downtown Los Angeles. The guy sitting next to me was a movie star, and it was his truck. We went outside after the meeting, and he cranked up the music and lights in the truck, and we had a fun time trading stories.

I’m currently in Florida and considering moving to Orlando. Los Angeles has a lot to offer, but Hollywood isn't what it's built up to be. Southern California, specifically, has a lot of problems so we are considering moving across the country again to "see what happens."

Work-wise, I’m really enjoying training therapists, life coaches, wellness experts, and entrepreneurial healers to use my One Belief Away transformation method and teaching them how to turn their practices into lucrative success stories.

The majority of life coaches, hypnotherapists, and healers struggle to earn a decent living because they were never taught how to properly market and scale a business. You can be incredibly talented, but it doesn't matter without clients.

In May, my private practice turns 29 years old. Over that time, I’ve gained a tremendous amount of wisdom, mostly through failing forward, and it’s been wonderful sharing it with my healing colleagues.

My fully accreditated Hypnotism school is growing fast, and it’s been a rush to keep up with all the moving pieces of training students, working with corporate clients, and providing private hypnotherapy sessions.

I was also 30,000 feet in the air, flying to Florida during the solar eclipse. I couldn't see the sun outside my window, but it definitely got darker outside at 11:25 a.m. PST.

Purdue also made it to the Championship basketball game! My oldest son attends Purdue and said kids were shooting fireworks out their apartment windows when Purdue won Friday’s game. He’s also in a class with the 7’4” center and says he’s “quiet, nice, and very tall.”

It's also an election year, and out of 350 million people, we couldn’t find two better candidates? Election years tend to make people cautious and dealing with a mild recession doesn’t help any.

Yet, I’ve always said that it’s more important to focus on what’s happening in your house than in the White House, even though that matters too.

You’re reading this now, but I’m writing these words while looking out the window of my plane....

Blue skies ahead, dark clouds below.

What’s in store for us, nobody knows.

So keep the faith, my friend.

Because everything works out, in the end.

:) Tim Shurr

PS, I once heard a client say, “Life isn’t boring, you are. You’ve got to take risks and try new experiences. Playing it safe knowing we are all going to die is a waste of life.” I’m constantly taking risks and choosing the road less traveled, and Robert Frost was right. It has made all the difference. Are you taking risks and reaching for your tremendous muchdreams?

Hi, I’m a creator

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